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Common SEO Misconceptions


The term “SEO” is becoming more and more common when a business plans their marketing strategy. SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, can make a huge difference when it comes to elevating an organisation’s rankings on the likes of Google and Yahoo, and as a result, elevating the standard of the company. But SEO can be a tricky thing to understand, which is why a number of misconceptions regarding SEO can be accepted as fact, some of which are listed below.

The first misconception is that you have achieved your goal when you reach the top ranking on Google for your field. Yes, it’s a major accomplishment, but the work is far from done. If anything, the work REALLY begins at that point, because you have to then battle to maintain that #1 spot, as with any sports champion who finds that defending their crown is harder than winning it in the first place. Over time, building up web traffic and a large customer base will make the retention of the top ranking easier, but getting to #1 means a lot less if you can’t retain it!

Another misconception is that the use of guest bloggers can harm one’s SEO ranking. It’s a strange thought process, because the core audience would be invested into the website itself regardless of who the authors were, but they are more likely to find and visit the site if they have a favourite writer. So, if you can get a guest blogger on board for a series of articles (especially a big-name celebrity) and your SEO highlights their involvement, why would this be detrimental?

The final misconception is perhaps the biggest of all, and that is to dismiss the power of SEO and assume it is unnecessary. Businesses assumed the same about social media in the late 2000s/early 2010s, and yet nowadays virtually any organisation of substance has a presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. The same applies to SEO: sure, it’s not something that you HAVE to do, but it has the potential to make a massive difference in terms of boosting your rankings, your presence in the online universe and, consequently, your business as a whole. A business with a strong SEO strategy is more likely to thrive than one which lacks SEO, but not all business owners and marketing managers currently realise this.

These are just some of the misconceptions regarding Search Engine Optimisation; by taking these points on board and devoting sufficient time and energy to your SEO strategy, it should become a crucial part of your marketing plan, which will ultimately provide you with the best possible opportunity to generate new business!

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